We are almost ready to start weaning. I say this though with some trepidation as I am being completely bamboozled by the absolutely conflicting advice on when N should start on solids.
The World Health Organisation has said that babies should be weaned no earlier than six months, but now the UK govt is advising that babies run the risk of developing vitamin deficiencies if they are not weaned before six months. As parents, how the hell are we supposed to know what is the right path to follow???
N is now five months old and is showing signs of being ready to eat - can hold his head unsupported, is watching us like a hawk when we eat or drink, seems a little less satisfied following a feed (but that could also be the fact that he is distracted very easily so feeds can be shorter) - so I know we are almost there.
The answer to this one I think will come down to that parental gut instinct. You know, the one that says you probably shouldn't dangle him out of a window by his ankle or that 35 minutes is too long to leave him to 'cry it out'. However, the voice inside me is saying "take it slow". The poor guy has been treated like a gastric band patient on only fluids for the last five months, we don't want to pop the band completely by stuffing him with too much baby porridge.
Either way, I'm pretty sure the both he, myself and the hubby will soon be covered in some kind of sweet potato concoction and be finding traces of broccoli stems stuffed into the high chair pretty soon. Hilarious stories to follow.
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