Monday, 18 January 2016

Holiday! Celebrate?

This weekend has been a productive one. We have booked not one but two holidays.

However what I have come to realise is that what was once a chance to relax and kick back with a cool beer by the pool will soon become a logistical and organisational nightmare!

I'm sure for any fellow mum currently reading this you are thinking "poor cow, doesn't know what she has got herself into" and you may be right. Thinking about what we can take with limited space in cases or cars is enough, but then I also need to remember that I will be taking a child who will just be moving onto solids for the first holiday and then will hopefully be eating anything and everything for the second. But then we will also need to figure out what we will do to keep N entertained whilst on said holidays.

I have been reliably informed that it is 203 days until our second holiday which gives me plenty time to plan, procrastinate and if that fails down several bottles of wine (over many weeks give I will still be breast feeding) in preparation.

Oh god, why didn't I just decide to stay at home for the rest of my life?!?!?!???

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